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I have started working as a life coach because I have always been very passionate about helping people and seeing people grow. My own journey to  authenticity started more than 10 years ago. I remember that I was being bullied a lot and realized that I could not continue on worrying about what other people thought of me. I also realized that the more I would know about myself, the less people could confuse me or devalue my worth.

Being raised in two different cultures (the Asian culture and the Western culture) already helped me to have a more open mind, but the opportunity that I have had to travel around the world helped me tremendously to open up my mind even more. I have learnt so much from talking with people from different countries and different cultural backgrounds for my own personal growth.


Through the experience and knowledge that I have developed within myself, as well as with people in general whilst gaining a Master Degree in Positive Organizational Psychology, I am passionate to help and guide people who truly want to invest in themselves. To guide people who also feel that they deserve the best, willing to work on themselves to get the best! I am offering my time and expertise to people who are serious about self growth.


My coaching style is just the pure Henry, but tailored specifically to each client's needs and current situation. With me a non-judgemental, open-minded, solution oriented zone is created in a way that puts you completely at ease. Here you are allowed to be expressive, to change, to grow, to be free and ultimately become the kind of person who will excel in life! 


So what are you waiting for? Let's start working on your journey from within! 

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